Dr. Monisha Kapoor

Treatment Options available at Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics

Dr. Monisha Kapoor the Director of the clinic and the Chief Operating Surgeon is a renowned & reputed plastic surgeon of International class with practical, genuine & extensive experience and expertise in this thrilling field. Her professional expertise includes an experience of 15 years in exclusive aesthetic surgery. She is distinguished to be associated with the International society of Aesthetic plastic surgery and has been an active member of the prestigious organization. Dr. Kapoor is also active member of American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
She has got herself thoroughly trained from the masters across the world giving the latest and the best to her patients at costs half the international prices. She has an extremely keen eye for beauty and being a woman she is very meticulous with her clients.

Dr. Monisha Kapoor has also been a topper and has been duly acknowledged for her achievements as:

J & K State topper in premedical entrance test 1995

Topper in M.Ch entrance examination Delhi 2008

Best paper award at Wound Care Con -2009 on 4‐6 September, 2009 3rd Annual National Conference of society for wound care & research, India Habitat Center, New Delhi-Role of Cur cumin in wound healing.

Gold medalist in M.Ch exit examination, VMMC and Safdurjung hospital New Delhi.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the safest way to remove hair these days because initially, men and women both used to bleach, wax and threads to remove unwanted hairs from their body. Over a period of time, it was noted by using chemical bleaching there is a lot of chemical damage to the skin leading to premature ageing, pigmentation and skin cancers.
Bleaching is not advised these days on the skin because of the risk factors mentioned above. Coming on to the waxing and threading part, waxing and threading induces micro-trauma to the hair follicles and the skin leading to a condition that is called open pores and textural damage of the skin. It has also been seen that due to this micro-trauma it leads to loosening of the skin because of the constant pulling and stretching there is loosening of the skin and it is advised that such things should not be used.

Virtually Painless

Full Coverage Rate

All Skin Types

Proven Safety Record

Tanned Skin

Our Treatments

Laser Treatments Available at Our Clinic

Say goodbye to unwanted Body Hair permanently with technologically advanced and pain-free Laser Hair Removal. It's that simple!

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